From The Principal’s Desk 1/18/2021

Jan 18, 2021

Dear Sacred Heart Family,

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This morning, we pause to join the nine other Catholic schools across East Tennessee to pray the unity prayer below:

USCCB Prayer for Christian Unity

“Gracious Lord, we pray for all the members of your holy Church, that all may abide in you and you in them, that they may be one in your love and bear much fruit. We also pray for the world, that all may come to believe in your love for them by the fruit of your witness. We know that our divisions are a source of scandal to your world, and we know that in love, we are called to unite as one in the vine and branches. The vine is our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son. We are meant to be his branches. Help us as we pray, to love, to forgive, to seek justice, and to be your prophetic voice in the world. May your grace effect growth of good fruit among us, that our world may realize peace. We ask all this in the name of Jesus, your Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.” (Source: USCCB)

Here are a few important dates and updates:

-Re-enrollment for the next academic year begins this Wednesday. You will receive an email with instructions for re-enrolling. Email Libby Orr with any questions at – thank you for choosing to be part of our amazing community.

-As a reminder: In an effort to limit travel and viral exposure, Diocesan school leadership has chosen to observe President’s Day on Wednesday, February 10th. This means that we will be in classes on Monday, 02/08, but will be closed on Wednesday, 02/10.

-Catholic Schools Week is the week of February 1st. We are excited to make this CSW a time of joy and celebration for our kids. We will send an agenda later this week and look forward to celebrating our Catholic schools.

This Wednesday is Inauguration Day and, while our campus will be closed, we will pause during the day to pray the Lord’s Prayer. We will share a video of students from each of our Catholic schools in East TN praying a different line of the prayer. We invite you to join us in prayer on Wednesday.

Grace and peace,