Winter Weather Communications

Jan 7, 2025

While we are optimists here at Sacred Heart, we also know that there are times when the weather can make our school schedule difficult.
To prepare for any potential school closings or delays, please take a few minutes to read the information that follows:The Diocese of Knoxville Catholic Schools does not follow the public school’s early release or closures due to inclement weather, but will consider it carefully. Sacred Heart Cathedral School will communicate with the other schools in their area and the superintendent before posting their announcements. Any changes to our regular school hours will be listed on local television, the SHCS website, and relevant SHCS social media outlets.

1. If inclement weather begins during the school day, we will announce any dismissal or closings via email and/or text alerts. Please do not call the school.
2. Delayed Opening: Sacred Heart Cathedral School will begin at 8:55 a.m., when we have a one-hour delayed opening. Drop-off will begin at 8:30. When we have a two-hour delayed opening, school will begin at 9:55 a.m., and drop-off will begin at 9:30. There will be no childcare provided before the adjusted drop-off time.

Please always determine the safety of your own travel. Do not attempt to bring your child to school if your own neighborhood or driveway makes it unsafe. Please get in touch with the school office by email,, or the Attendance Hotline, 865-292-4160, if you have made this determination. Students whose parents have determined it is unsafe for them to attend because of weather will receive an excused absence and should consult with the teacher(s) about missed work upon their return to school.

SH Preschool and Club Eagle will follow Sacred Heart Cathedral School’s closing schedule.